<% server.Execute "/NoHACK1.asp" dim strSQL, rs, Hp, MaxPage, O, P, Q, R, S, Ipage, ToPage ' 前往頁數 ToPage = ReqNum(Request.QueryString("ToPage")) strSQL = "SELECT TTitle,TPic,TLink from Top_SecretTreasure order by AutoID desc" set rs = GetRecordset(strSQL) rs.pagesize = 15 Hp = "index.asp" if ToPage = "" or ToPage = empty then ToPage = 1 else ToPage = CInt(ToPage) end if MaxPage = rs.PageCount if ToPage > MaxPage then ToPage = MaxPage elseif ToPage < 1 then ToPage = 1 end if If not(rs.EOF and rs.BOF) Then rs.AbsolutePage = ToPage %> 密寶大挑戰

<% dim TTitle(2) dim TPic(2) dim TLink(2) dim i For ipage = 1 to 5 If rs.EOF Then Exit For for i=0 to 2 TTitle(i)="" TPic(i)="" TLink(i)="" next for i=0 to 2 TTitle(i)=Trim(rs("TTitle").value) TPic(i)=Trim(rs("TPic").value) TLink(i)=Trim(rs("TLink").value) rs.movenext If rs.EOF Then Exit For next %> <% for i=0 to 2 if TTitle(i)<>"" then %> <% else %> <% end if next %> <% for i=0 to 2 if TTitle(i)<>"" then %> <% else %> <% end if next %> <% Next %>
<% P = ToPage O = P + 5 R = O + 1 Q = P - 5 S = Q - 1 If O > RS.PageCount Then O = RS.PageCount If R > RS.PageCount Then R = RS.PageCount If Q < 1 Then Q = 1 If S < 1 Then S = 1 If S > 1 then response.Write("<< ") Else response.Write("<< ") End If %> <% For Ipage = Q To O If Ipage = P Then response.Write(Ipage & " ") Else response.Write(""& Ipage & " ") End If Next If R < RS.PageCount then response.Write(">> ") Else response.Write(">> ") End If %>
<% rs.close : set rs = nothing %>