server.Execute "/NoHACK1.asp"
dim T, Y, M, sql, rs, T1, Y1, M1, T2, Y2, M2, D2
dim i, j
if Request("day")<>"" then
T = Request("day")
Y = DatePart("yyyy",T)
M = DatePart("M",T)
T = Now
Y = DatePart("yyyy",T)
M = DatePart("M",T)
end if
【<%=Y%> 年 <%=M%> 月份處罰名單】
SQL = "SELECT CONVERT(varchar, AddTime, 111) AS Expr2 FROM GM_Punish where Year(AddTime)='"& Y &"' and Month(AddTime)='"& M &"' GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar, AddTime, 111) order by Expr2 desc"
Set rs = GetRecordset( sql )
Do While Not rs.EOF %>
<% For i = 1 to 3
T2 = 0
T2 = rs("Expr2")
Y2 = DatePart( "yyyy",T2)
M2 = DatePart("M",T2)
D2 = DatePart("D",T2) %>