<% server.Execute "/NoHACK1.asp" dim sql, rs, rs1, i sql = "SELECT * from DL_Download where D_Show = 'Y' order by AddTime desc , AutoID desc" set rs = GetRecordset(sql) %>
<% Do until rs.EOF %> <% if rs("D_Out") = "Y" then ' 若有 站外載點 sql = "select * from DL_Download_Out where D_ID=" & CStr(rs("AutoID")) & " order by autoid" set rs1 = GetRecordset(sql) %>
檔 名:<%=rs("D_Name")%> 檔案大小:<%=rs("D_Size")%> 更新日期:<%=FormatDateTime(rs("AddTime"), VbshortDate)%>
<%if rs("D_File") = "" and rs("D_Out") = "Y" then%> " width="156" height="95" border="0"> <%else%> ">" width="156" height="95" border="0"> <%end if%> 遊戲介紹:
<% Do until rs1.EOF %> <% For i = 1 to 7 if rs1.EOF then %> <% else %> <% end if if not rs1.EOF then rs1.movenext Next %> <% Loop %>
 <%if Trim(rs1("D_Link")) <> "" then%>" target="_blank"><%end if%>" border="0"><%if Trim(rs1("D_Link")) <> "" then%><%end if%>
<% end if %>

<% rs.movenext Loop rs.close set rs = nothing %>