<% Server.Execute "/NoHACK1.asp" dim Time1, sql, rs, Errh, LoopFlag, outTmp, picTmp, outTmp1, urlTmp, urlTmp1 dim rs1, GoodUrl, GoodType dim ToPage, NowPage, Ipage, Hp, i dim Mo_Type1, Mo_Type2 dim TypeName1(), TypeName2(), TypeCode1(), TypeCode2() Mo_Type1 = ReqNum(Request("Type1")) Mo_Type2 = ReqNum(Request("Type2")) ' 找出大分類 sql = "select AutoID, T_Name from ML_Class where T_Show='Y' and AutoID in(select distinct TID from ML_Class2 where T_Show='Y' and AutoID in (select distinct G_Type from ML_Goods)) order by AutoID" Set rs = GetRecordset( sql ) if not(rs.BOF and rs.EOF) then Redim TypeName1(rs.recordcount), TypeCode1(rs.recordcount) ' 置入陣列 For i = 1 to UBound(TypeName1) TypeName1(i) = Trim(rs("T_Name")) : TypeCode1(i) = CStr(rs("AutoID")) rs.movenext Next end if rs.close if Mo_Type1 = "" then Mo_Type1 = "0" ' 找出小分類 sql = "select AutoID, T_Name from ML_Class2 where T_Show='Y' and TID = " & Mo_Type1 & " and AutoID in (select distinct G_Type from ML_Goods) order by AutoID" Set rs = GetRecordset( sql ) if not(rs.BOF and rs.EOF) then Redim TypeName2(rs.recordcount), TypeCode2(rs.recordcount) ' 置入陣列 For i = 1 to UBound(TypeName2) TypeName2(i) = Trim(rs("T_Name")) : TypeCode2(i) = CStr(rs("AutoID")) rs.movenext Next end if rs.close if Mo_Type2 = "" then Mo_Type2 = "0" if Mo_Type1 <> "0" then if Mo_Type2 = "0" then sql = "select * from ML_Goods where G_Show='Y' and G_Type in (" For i = 1 to UBound(TypeName2) sql = sql & TypeCode2(i) & "," Next sql = Left(sql,len(sql)-1) & ") order by G_Kind, G_Type, AddTime desc" else sql = "select * from ML_Goods where G_Show='Y' and G_Type=" & Mo_Type2 & " order by G_Kind, AddTime desc" end if else sql = "select * from ML_Goods where G_Show='Y' order by G_Kind, G_Type, AddTime desc" end if set rs1 = GetRecordset(sql) if rs1.BOF and rs1.EOF then response.Redirect "/main.asp" response.End end if Hp = "allitem.asp" rs1.PageSize = 35 '----分頁處理 ToPage = request.QueryString("ToPage") if ToPage = "" then NowPage = 1 else NowPage = CInt(ToPage) end if if NowPage > rs1.PageCount then NowPage = rs1.PageCount elseif NowPage < 1 then NowPage = 1 end if if not (rs1.bof and rs1.eof) then rs1.AbsolutePage = NowPage %> 完美商城乾坤袋
<% dim RecCount, BannerID(5), BannerPic(5), BannerUrl(5), Idx sql = "Select AutoID,PicName,Url from TOP_Banner Where ShowMall='Y' And BannerType='A' And " & _ "DateDiff(d, StartDay, GetDate())>=0 And DateDiff(d, EndDay, GetDate())<=0 Order By AddTime desc, AutoID desc" Set rs = GetRecordset( sql ) if rs.BOF and rs.EOF then RecCount = 0 else RecCount = rs.RecordCount end if ' 若資料小於五筆 直接全列出 if RecCount < 6 then For LoopFlag = 1 to 5 if rs.EOF then BannerID(LoopFlag) = "" BannerPic(LoopFlag) = "" BannerUrl(LoopFlag) = "" else BannerID(LoopFlag) = CStr(rs(0).value) BannerPic(LoopFlag) = rs(1).value BannerUrl(LoopFlag) = Trim(rs(2).value) rs.movenext end if Next else ' 隨機取資料 Randomize ' 取亂數將隨機五筆存入Array For LoopFlag = 1 to 5 rs.AbsolutePosition = Int((RecCount * Rnd) + 1) BannerID(LoopFlag) = CStr(rs(0).value) BannerPic(LoopFlag) = rs(1).value BannerUrl(LoopFlag) = Trim(rs(2).value) ' 過濾重覆的 For Idx = 1 to LoopFlag - 1 if BannerID(LoopFlag) = BannerID(Idx) then LoopFlag = LoopFlag - 1 exit For end if Next Next end if rs.close set rs = nothing %>
<%if not (rs1.BOF and rs1.EOF) then i = 0 Do Until i >= rs1.PageSize %> <% Loop end if%>
<%if Mo_Type1<>"0" then%> <%end if%>
<% For LoopFlag = 1 to 7 if rs1.EOF then %> <% else %> <% rs1.movenext end if i = i + 1 Next %>
<% if Trim(rs1("G_Url")) <> "" then GoodUrl = "" else GoodUrl = "" end if '----找出大分類 sql = "select T_Name from ML_Class where AutoID = (select TID from ML_Class2 where AutoID=" & CStr(rs1("G_Type")) & ")" set rs = GetRecordset(sql) GoodType = rs("T_Name") rs.close : set rs = nothing %>
<%=GoodUrl%>" width="75" height="75" border="0">
<% dim p, O, R, Q, S IF ToPage = empty or ToPage = "" Then P = 1 else P = Cint(ToPage) End If O = P + 5 R = O + 1 Q = P - 5 S = Q - 1 If O > rs1.PageCount Then O = rs1.PageCount If R > rs1.PageCount Then R = rs1.PageCount If Q < 1 Then Q = 1 If S < 1 Then S = 1 %>
第一頁 << <%For Ipage = Q To O%> <%If Ipage <> P Then%><%end if%><%If Ipage = P Then%><%End If%>[<%=Ipage%>]<%If Ipage = P Then%><%End If%><%If Ipage <> P Then%><%end if%>  <%Next%> >> 最後一頁/共<%=rs1.PageCount%>頁


<% rs1.close : set rs1 = nothing %>